Using Sprites

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Sprites have many built in features in pygame, such as collision detection.

  1. Import statements are to enable the code to use the functions from the library

import pygame import sys import os

  1. initialize pygame & window

os.environ["SDL_VIDEO_CENTERED"] = "1" pygame.init() SCREENWIDTH = 500 SCREENHEIGHT = 500 SCREENSIZE = [SCREENWIDTH, SCREENHEIGHT] SCREEN = pygame.display.set_mode(SCREENSIZE) COLOR=[0,0,0]

b = pygame.sprite.Sprite() # create sprite b.image = pygame.image.load("hero.png").convert() # load hero image b.rect = b.image.get_rect()# use image extent values b.rect.topleft = [0, 0] # put the hero in the top left corner

  1. game loop

while True:

   for events in pygame.event.get(): #get all pygame events
       if events.type == pygame.QUIT: #if event is quit then shutdown window and program
   SCREEN.blit(b.image, b.rect)