QueueOfTiles Purpose

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This is the entire class called QueueOfTiles, it is created in order to store a lot of methods and data that can be easily accessed throughout the program, the class itself it used to create a queue data type with methods to use the stored data. It uses assumed accessibility so it is a private class which means it cannot be access except in the direct hierarchy. By separating the class, the program is easier to understand.


		class QueueOfTiles
			private List<string> Contents = new List<string>();
			private int Rear;
			private int MaxSize;
			Random Rnd = new Random();

			public QueueOfTiles(int MaxSize)
				this.MaxSize = MaxSize;
				this.Rear = -1;
				for (int Count = 0; Count < this.MaxSize; Count++)

			public bool IsEmpty()
				if (this.Rear == -1)
					return true;
					return false;

			public string Remove()
				string Item = "";
				if (IsEmpty())
					return "";
					Item = Contents[0];
					for (int Count = 1; Count < Rear + 1; Count++)
						Contents[Count - 1] = Contents[Count];
					Contents[Rear] = "";
					return Item;

			public void Add()
				int RandNo = 0;
				if (Rear < MaxSize - 1)
					RandNo = Rnd.Next(0, 26);
					Contents[Rear] = Convert.ToChar(65 + RandNo).ToString();

			public void Show()
				if (Rear != -1)
					Console.Write("The contents of the queue are: ");
					foreach (var item in Contents)

The actual class definition without the methods and variables

		class QueueOfTiles
		//The code