Polymorphism - 2017

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Revision as of 15:25, 13 February 2017 by Waynesmainhoe (talk | contribs)
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Polymorphism is where a sub class inherits all the methods and properties from the parent class. However, The sub class may override the methods or properties of the parent class, for example both The blue whale and A human are examples of a Mammal, however a classical mammal "Walk" a blue whale over rides this by "swim".

In the skeleton program:

public virtual void Inspect()
     Console.Write("  ID " + ID + " ");
     Console.Write("Age " + Age + " ");
     Console.Write("LS " + NaturalLifespan + " ");
     Console.Write("Pr dth " + Math.Round(ProbabilityOfDeathOtherCauses, 2) + " ");

Overrid: public override void Inspect()

     Console.Write("Rep rate " + Math.Round(ReproductionRate, 1) + " ");
     Console.WriteLine("Gender " + Gender + " ");