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(Checking for Tile Collision)
(Checking for Tile Collision)
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You should now collide with any tile in your bounds layer.
=Other TMX Loader Options=
=Other TMX Loader Options=

Revision as of 13:29, 11 February 2021

Advanced Tiled Loader

Have a look at his GitHub repository:


It was initially an abandoned project, but with a little bit of work is fully working again. It will be suitable for students creating an RPG style game.


You can download the zip file from this link: download

Extract the zip and copy the 'Advanced-Tiled-Loader' folder into your LOVE project folder (same directory as the 'main.lua').

In your TMX map, create an object on an object layer called 'Player'.

Copy this code for the 'main.lua'

local player = nil -- variable to store player 
function love.load()
  local loader = require("Advanced-Tiled-Loader.Loader")
  loader.path = "Maps/"  --Change this to wherever your .tmx files are
  map = loader.load("untitled.tmx") --Change this to the name of your mapfile
  tx = 0
  ty = 0
  scale = 2 -- Adjust zoom with this
  image=love.graphics.newImage("Maps/test.png") --Image to use for player

  -- This will go through the layers in the map, find the object layer and the player object
  for _, layer in pairs(map.layers) do
   if layer.class == "ObjectLayer" then
		for _, obj in pairs(layer.objects) do
			if obj.name == "Player" then 
				obj.texture = image -- give it a texture
				map.camera.Object=obj -- set the camera to follow this object
				map.camera:update() -- update the camera position
				player=obj -- pass the object and store it has player

-- code to draw the map
function love.draw()
  local ftx, fty = math.floor(tx), math.floor(ty)
  love.graphics.translate(ftx, fty)

-- update method to move the player object
function love.update(dt)
	local difx = 0
	local dify = 0
	change = false
	if love.keyboard.isDown("up") then 
		change = true
	if love.keyboard.isDown("down") then 
		dify = -100*dt
		change = true		
	if love.keyboard.isDown("left") then 
		difx= 100*dt 
		change = true
	if love.keyboard.isDown("right") then 
		difx= -100*dt 
		change = true		
	player.x = player.x-difx
	player.y = player.y-dify
	if change==true then
		map:forceRedraw() -- this will force the map to redraw after movement


Loading A Collision Tile Layer

First, you will need to create a new 'Tile Layer' in tiled. This will represent the tiles you will collide with. This layer can be at the very back and hidden by your other layers. This is my example:


I have created a layer called 'Bounds', this layer includes a tile in prevent moving through the wall (see the image below of the rest of the map):


The image above shows the wall and that my bounds layer is behind the main layer. This will hide the bounds layer.

Now to load this layer into your game, in the 'function love.load()' add the following line:


Checking for Tile Collision

Now find the 'function love.update()' you should have the following lines from the previous section to setup your tmx map in love:

player.x = player.x-difx
player.y = player.y-dify

These lines will move the player to the new position. We will now check that the new position is still in bounds. So add the following if statement after these two lines to get this:

player.x = player.x-difx
player.y = player.y-dify

if checkbounds()~=true then
    player.x = player.x+difx
    player.y = player.y+dify

Remember in lua '~=' means not equal. We will now create a new method called check bounds. So add this new function into your code:

function checkbounds()
    test = true
    return test

A this point, run your game to make sure you can still move. Then change the line 'test = true' to 'test = false'. Setting test to false should stop your player from moving all together.

Now in the cheeckbounds function, and after the 'test=true' line add this to record the player location and size:

function checkbounds()
    test = true
    playerrec = {X=player.x+5, Y=player.y,W=20,H=32}
    return test

I have used the value of 32 for the width and height of the player. You could also tweek these better suit your character, for example if you character is slim you could add 5 to the player X value and set the player width to 22 (ie remove 5 pixels from both sides).

Now we need to iterate through every tile in the bounds layer, so add the for loop below:

function checkbounds()
    test = true
    playerrec = {X=player.x+5, Y=player.y,W=20,H=32}
    for x, y, tile in bounds:iterate() do

    return test

Now inside the for loop create another structure to hold the position and size of this tile:

function checkbounds()
    test = true
    playerrec = {X=player.x+5, Y=player.y,W=20,H=32}
    for x, y, tile in bounds:iterate() do

        tilerec = {X=x*32, Y=y*32,W=32,H=32}

    return test

The above code uses the tile width and height of 32, yours may be different.

Now to test if they intersect:

function checkbounds()
    test = true
    playerrec = {X=player.x+5, Y=player.y,W=20,H=32}
    for x, y, tile in bounds:iterate() do

        tilerec = {X=x*32, Y=y*32,W=32,H=32}

        if  (playerrec["Y"] + playerrec["H"]  >  tilerec["Y"] )  and ( playerrec["Y"]  < tilerec["Y"] + tilerec["H"] )  and
		(playerrec["X"] + playerrec["W"]  >  tilerec["X"] )  and ( playerrec["X"]  < tilerec["X"] + tilerec["W"] ) then
            test = false

    return test

You should now collide with any tile in your bounds layer.

Other TMX Loader Options

For example the STI project: STI

Setup tutorial: Tutorial