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  • Basic example class of a generic animal.
Class Animal{
   private int age;
   private string name;
   private enum gender{
   public Animal(){ //Class Constructor
      //some code to run when a new instance of the class is created
   public void Walk(){
      //some more code
   public int Age{
      get{ return age; }
      set{ age = value; }
   public string Name{
      get{ return name; }
      set{ name = value; }
   public enum Gender{
      get{ return gender; }
      set{ gender = value; }
  • A new Mammal class that inherits all aspect of the Animal class e.g name or gender but also adds its own unique

data type, hairColour. This data is not accessible to any objects created from the Animal class.

  • Another thing inheritance allows you to do is override existing functions or data types. e.g.

in the Mammal class, the inherited function Walk() is being overridden meaning it can do something completely different to what it does in the Animal class. This is called polymorphism

Class Mammal: Animal{
   private enum hairColour{
   public Mammal(){ //Class Constructor
      //some code to run when a new instance of the class is created
   public override void Walk(){
      //Some different code
   public enum HairColour{
      get{ return hairColour; }
      set{ hairColour = value; }