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Revision as of 23:32, 28 November 2016

I'm having trouble uploading the actual .cs file, so you can copy it from here and paste it into your project .cs file.

  1 // Skeleton Program code for the AQA A Level Paper 1 2017 examination
  2 // this code whould be used in conjunction with the Preliminary Material
  3 // written by the AQA Programmer Team
  4 // developed in the Visual Studio 2008 programming environment
  7 using System;
  9 namespace PredatorPrey
 10 {
 11   class Program
 12   {
 13     static void Main(string[] args)
 14     {
 15       Simulation Sim;
 16       int MenuOption;
 17       int LandscapeSize;
 18       int InitialWarrenCount;
 19       int InitialFoxCount;
 20       int Variability;
 21       bool FixedInitialLocations;
 22       do
 23       {
 24         Console.WriteLine("Predator Prey Simulation Main Menu");
 25         Console.WriteLine();
 26         Console.WriteLine("1. Run simulation with default settings");
 27         Console.WriteLine("2. Run simulation with custom settings");
 28         Console.WriteLine("3. Exit");
 29         Console.WriteLine();
 30         Console.Write("Select option: ");
 31         MenuOption = Convert.ToInt32(Console.ReadLine());
 32         if ((MenuOption == 1) || (MenuOption == 2))
 33         {
 34           if (MenuOption == 1)
 35           {
 36             LandscapeSize = 15;
 37             InitialWarrenCount = 5;
 38             InitialFoxCount = 5;
 39             Variability = 0;
 40             FixedInitialLocations = true;
 41           }
 42           else
 43           {
 44             Console.Write("Landscape Size: ");
 45             LandscapeSize = Convert.ToInt32(Console.ReadLine());
 46             Console.Write("Initial number of warrens: ");
 47             InitialWarrenCount = Convert.ToInt32(Console.ReadLine());
 48             Console.Write("Initial number of foxes: ");
 49             InitialFoxCount = Convert.ToInt32(Console.ReadLine());
 50             Console.Write("Randomness variability (percent): ");
 51             Variability = Convert.ToInt32(Console.ReadLine());
 52             FixedInitialLocations = false;
 53           }
 54           Sim = new Simulation(LandscapeSize, InitialWarrenCount, InitialFoxCount, Variability, FixedInitialLocations);
 55         }
 56       } while (MenuOption != 3);
 57       Console.ReadKey();
 58     }
 59   }
 61   class Location
 62   {
 63     public Fox Fox;
 64     public Warren Warren;
 66     public Location()
 67     {
 68       Fox = null;
 69       Warren = null;
 70     }
 71   }
 73   class Simulation
 74   {
 75     private Location[,] Landscape;
 76     private int TimePeriod = 0;
 77     private int WarrenCount = 0;
 78     private int FoxCount = 0;
 79     private bool ShowDetail = false;
 80     private int LandscapeSize;
 81     private int Variability;
 82     private static Random Rnd = new Random();
 84     public Simulation(int LandscapeSize, int InitialWarrenCount, int InitialFoxCount, int Variability, bool FixedInitialLocations)
 85     {
 86       int menuOption;
 87       int x;
 88       int y;
 89       string viewRabbits;
 90       this.LandscapeSize = LandscapeSize;
 91       this.Variability = Variability;
 92       Landscape = new Location[LandscapeSize, LandscapeSize];
 93       CreateLandscapeAndAnimals(InitialWarrenCount, InitialFoxCount, FixedInitialLocations);
 94       DrawLandscape();
 95       do
 96       {
 97         Console.WriteLine();
 98         Console.WriteLine("1. Advance to next time period showing detail");
 99         Console.WriteLine("2. Advance to next time period hiding detail");
100         Console.WriteLine("3. Inspect fox");
101         Console.WriteLine("4. Inspect warren");
102         Console.WriteLine("5. Exit");
103         Console.WriteLine();
104         Console.Write("Select option: ");
105         menuOption = Convert.ToInt32(Console.ReadLine());
106         if (menuOption == 1)
107         {
108           TimePeriod++;
109           ShowDetail = true;
110           AdvanceTimePeriod();
111         }
112         if (menuOption == 2)
113         {
114           TimePeriod++;
115           ShowDetail = false;
116           AdvanceTimePeriod();
117         }
118         if (menuOption == 3)
119         {
120           x = InputCoordinate('x');
121           y = InputCoordinate('y');
122           if (Landscape[x, y].Fox != null)
123           {
124             Landscape[x, y].Fox.Inspect();
125           }
126         }
127         if (menuOption == 4)
128         {
129           x = InputCoordinate('x');
130           y = InputCoordinate('y');
131           if (Landscape[x, y].Warren != null)
132           {
133             Landscape[x, y].Warren.Inspect();
134             Console.Write("View individual rabbits (y/n)?");
135             viewRabbits = Console.ReadLine();
136             if (viewRabbits == "y") {
137               Landscape[x, y].Warren.ListRabbits();
138             }
139           }
140         }
141       } while (((WarrenCount > 0) || (FoxCount > 0)) && (menuOption != 5));
142       Console.ReadKey();
143     }
145     private int InputCoordinate(char Coordinatename)
146     {
147       int Coordinate;
148       Console.Write("  Input " + Coordinatename + " coordinate: ");
149       Coordinate = Convert.ToInt32(Console.ReadLine());
150       return Coordinate;
151     }
153     private void AdvanceTimePeriod()
154     {
155       int NewFoxCount = 0;
156       if (ShowDetail)
157       {
158         Console.WriteLine();
159       }
160       for (int x = 0; x < LandscapeSize; x++)
161       {
162         for (int y = 0; y < LandscapeSize; y++)
163         {
164           if (Landscape[x, y].Warren != null)
165           {
166             if (ShowDetail)
167             {
168               Console.WriteLine("Warren at (" + x + "," + y + "):");
169               Console.Write("  Period Start: ");
170               Landscape[x, y].Warren.Inspect();
171             }
172             if (FoxCount > 0)
173             {
174               FoxesEatRabbitsInWarren(x, y);
175             }
176             if (Landscape[x, y].Warren.NeedToCreateNewWarren())
177             {
178               CreateNewWarren();
179             }
180             Landscape[x, y].Warren.AdvanceGeneration(ShowDetail);
181             if (ShowDetail)
182             {
183               Console.Write("  Period End: ");
184               Landscape[x, y].Warren.Inspect();
185               Console.ReadKey();
186             }
187             if (Landscape[x, y].Warren.WarrenHasDiedOut())
188             {
189               Landscape[x, y].Warren = null;
190               WarrenCount--;
191             }
192           }
193         }
194       }
195       for (int x = 0; x < LandscapeSize; x++)
196       {
197         for (int y = 0; y < LandscapeSize; y++)
198         {
199           if (Landscape[x, y].Fox != null)
200           {
201             if (ShowDetail)
202             {
203               Console.WriteLine("Fox at (" + x + "," + y + "): ");
204             }
205             Landscape[x, y].Fox.AdvanceGeneration(ShowDetail);
206             if (Landscape[x, y].Fox.CheckIfDead())
207             {
208               Landscape[x, y].Fox = null;
209               FoxCount--;
210             }
211             else
212             {
213               if (Landscape[x, y].Fox.ReproduceThisPeriod())
214               {
215                 if (ShowDetail) {
216                   Console.WriteLine("  Fox has reproduced. ");
217                 }
218                 NewFoxCount++;
219               }
220               if (ShowDetail) {
221                 Landscape[x, y].Fox.Inspect();
222               }
223               Landscape[x, y].Fox.ResetFoodConsumed();
224             }
225           }
226         }
227       }
228       if (NewFoxCount > 0)
229       {
230         if (ShowDetail)
231         { 
232           Console.WriteLine("New foxes born: ");
233         }
234         for (int f = 0; f < NewFoxCount; f++) {
235           CreateNewFox();
236         }
237       }
238       if (ShowDetail) {
239         Console.ReadKey();
240       }
241       DrawLandscape();
242       Console.WriteLine();
243     }
245     private void CreateLandscapeAndAnimals(int InitialWarrenCount, int InitialFoxCount, bool FixedInitialLocations)
246     {
247       for (int x = 0; x < LandscapeSize; x++)
248       {
249         for (int y = 0; y < LandscapeSize; y++)
250         {
251           Landscape[x, y] = new Location();
252         }
253       }
254       if (FixedInitialLocations)
255       { 
256         Landscape[1, 1].Warren = new Warren(Variability, 38);
257         Landscape[2, 8].Warren = new Warren(Variability, 80);
258         Landscape[9, 7].Warren = new Warren(Variability, 20);
259         Landscape[10, 3].Warren = new Warren(Variability, 52);
260         Landscape[13, 4].Warren = new Warren(Variability, 67);
261         WarrenCount = 5;
262         Landscape[2, 10].Fox = new Fox(Variability);
263         Landscape[6, 1].Fox = new Fox(Variability);
264         Landscape[8, 6].Fox = new Fox(Variability);
265         Landscape[11, 13].Fox = new Fox(Variability);
266         Landscape[12, 4].Fox = new Fox(Variability);
267         FoxCount = 5;
268       }
269       else
270       {
271         for (int w = 0; w < InitialWarrenCount; w++)
272         {
273           CreateNewWarren();
274         }
275         for (int f = 0; f < InitialFoxCount; f++)
276         {
277           CreateNewFox();
278         }
279       }
280     }
282     private void CreateNewWarren()
283     {
284       int x, y;
285       do
286       {
287         x = Rnd.Next(0, LandscapeSize);
288         y = Rnd.Next(0, LandscapeSize);
289       } while (Landscape[x, y].Warren != null);
290       if (ShowDetail)
291       {
292         Console.WriteLine("New Warren at (" + x + "," + y + ")");
293       }
294       Landscape[x, y].Warren = new Warren(Variability);
295       WarrenCount++;
296     }
298     private void CreateNewFox()
299     {
300       int x, y;
301       do
302       {
303         x = Rnd.Next(0, LandscapeSize);
304         y = Rnd.Next(0, LandscapeSize);
305       } while (Landscape[x, y].Fox != null);
306       if (ShowDetail) {
307         Console.WriteLine("  New Fox at (" + x + "," + y + ")");
308       }
309       Landscape[x, y].Fox = new Fox(Variability);
310       FoxCount++;
311     }
313     private void FoxesEatRabbitsInWarren(int WarrenX, int WarrenY)
314     {
315       int FoodConsumed;
316       int PercentToEat;
317       double Dist;
318       int RabbitsToEat;
319       int RabbitCountAtStartOfPeriod = Landscape[WarrenX, WarrenY].Warren.GetRabbitCount();
320       for (int FoxX = 0; FoxX < LandscapeSize; FoxX++)
321       {
322         for (int FoxY = 0; FoxY < LandscapeSize; FoxY++)
323         {
324           if (Landscape[FoxX, FoxY].Fox != null)
325           {
326             Dist = DistanceBetween(FoxX, FoxY, WarrenX, WarrenY);
327             if (Dist <= 3.5)
328             {
329               PercentToEat = 20;
330             }
331             else if (Dist <= 7)
332             {
333               PercentToEat = 10;
334             }
335             else
336             {
337               PercentToEat = 0;
338             }
339             RabbitsToEat = (int)Math.Round((double)(PercentToEat * RabbitCountAtStartOfPeriod / 100.0));
340             FoodConsumed = Landscape[WarrenX, WarrenY].Warren.EatRabbits(RabbitsToEat);
341             Landscape[FoxX, FoxY].Fox.GiveFood(FoodConsumed);
342             if (ShowDetail)
343             {
344               Console.WriteLine("  " + FoodConsumed + " rabbits eaten by fox at (" + FoxX + "," + FoxY + ").");
345             }
346           }
347         }
348       }
349     }
351     private double DistanceBetween(int x1, int y1, int x2, int y2)
352     {
353       return Math.Sqrt(Math.Pow(x1 - x2, 2) + Math.Pow(y1 - y2, 2));
354     }
356     private void DrawLandscape()
357     {
358       Console.WriteLine();
359       Console.WriteLine("TIME PERIOD: " + TimePeriod);
360       Console.WriteLine();
361       Console.Write("    ");
362       for (int x = 0; x < LandscapeSize; x++)
363       {
364         if (x < 10)
365         {
366           Console.Write(" ");
367         }
368         Console.Write(x + " |");
369       }
370       Console.WriteLine();
371       for (int x = 0; x <= LandscapeSize * 4 + 3; x++)
372       {
373         Console.Write("-");
374       }
375       Console.WriteLine();
376       for (int y = 0; y < LandscapeSize; y++)
377       {
378         if (y < 10) {
379           Console.Write(" ");
380         }
381         Console.Write(" " + y + "|");
382         for (int x = 0; x < LandscapeSize; x++)
383         {
384           if (Landscape[x, y].Warren != null)
385           {
386             if (Landscape[x, y].Warren.GetRabbitCount() < 10)
387             {
388               Console.Write(" ");
389             }
390             Console.Write(Landscape[x, y].Warren.GetRabbitCount());
391           }
392           else
393           {
394             Console.Write("  ");
395           }
396           if (Landscape[x, y].Fox != null)
397           {
398             Console.Write("F");
399           }
400           else
401           {
402             Console.Write(" ");
403           }
404           Console.Write("|");
405         }
406         Console.WriteLine();
407       }
408     }
409   }
411   class Warren
412   {
413     private const int MaxRabbitsInWarren = 99;
414     private Rabbit[] Rabbits;
415     private int RabbitCount = 0;
416     private int PeriodsRun = 0;
417     private bool AlreadySpread = false;
418     private int Variability;
419     private static Random Rnd = new Random();
421     public Warren(int Variability)
422     {
423       this.Variability = Variability;
424       Rabbits = new Rabbit[MaxRabbitsInWarren];
425       RabbitCount = (int)(CalculateRandomValue((int)(MaxRabbitsInWarren / 4), this.Variability));
426       for (int r = 0; r < RabbitCount; r++)
427       {
428         Rabbits[r] = new Rabbit(Variability);
429       }
430     }
432     public Warren(int Variability, int rabbitCount)
433     {
434       this.Variability = Variability;
435       this.RabbitCount = rabbitCount;
436       Rabbits = new Rabbit[MaxRabbitsInWarren];
437       for (int r = 0; r < RabbitCount; r++)
438       {
439         Rabbits[r] = new Rabbit(Variability);
440       }
441     }
443     private double CalculateRandomValue(int BaseValue, int Variability)
444     {
445       return BaseValue - (BaseValue * Variability / 100) + (BaseValue * Rnd.Next(0, (Variability * 2) + 1) / 100);
446     }
448     public int GetRabbitCount()
449     {
450       return RabbitCount;
451     }
453     public bool NeedToCreateNewWarren()
454     {
455       if ((RabbitCount == MaxRabbitsInWarren) && (!AlreadySpread))
456       {
457         AlreadySpread = true;
458         return true;
459       }
460       else
461       {
462         return false;
463       }
464     }
466     public bool WarrenHasDiedOut()
467     {
468       if (RabbitCount == 0)
469       {
470         return true;
471       }
472       else
473       {
474         return false;
475       }
476     }
478     public void AdvanceGeneration(bool ShowDetail)
479     {
480       PeriodsRun++;
481       if (RabbitCount > 0)
482       {
483         KillByOtherFactors(ShowDetail);
484       }
485       if (RabbitCount > 0)
486       {
487         AgeRabbits(ShowDetail);
488       }
489       if ((RabbitCount > 0) && (RabbitCount <= MaxRabbitsInWarren))
490       {
491         if (ContainsMales())
492         {
493           MateRabbits(ShowDetail);
494         }
495       }
496       if ((RabbitCount == 0) && (ShowDetail))
497       {
498         Console.WriteLine("  All rabbits in warren are dead");
499       }
500     }
502     public int EatRabbits(int RabbitsToEat)
503     {
504       int DeathCount = 0;
505       int RabbitNumber;
506       if (RabbitsToEat > RabbitCount)
507       {
508         RabbitsToEat = RabbitCount;
509       }
510       while (DeathCount < RabbitsToEat)
511       {
512         RabbitNumber = Rnd.Next(0, RabbitCount);
513         if (Rabbits[RabbitNumber] != null)
514         {
515           Rabbits[RabbitNumber] = null;
516           DeathCount++;
517         }
518       }
519       CompressRabbitList(DeathCount);
520       return RabbitsToEat;
521     }
523     private void KillByOtherFactors(bool ShowDetail)
524     {
525       int DeathCount = 0;
526       for (int r = 0; r < RabbitCount; r++)
527       {
528         if (Rabbits[r].CheckIfKilledByOtherFactor())
529         {
530           Rabbits[r] = null;
531           DeathCount++;
532         }
533       }
534       CompressRabbitList(DeathCount);
535       if (ShowDetail)
536       {
537         Console.WriteLine("  " + DeathCount + " rabbits killed by other factors.");
538       }
539     }
541     private void AgeRabbits(bool ShowDetail)
542     {
543       int DeathCount = 0;
544       for (int r = 0; r < RabbitCount; r++)
545       {
546         Rabbits[r].CalculateNewAge();
547         if (Rabbits[r].CheckIfDead())
548         {
549           Rabbits[r] = null;
550           DeathCount++;
551         }
552       }
553       CompressRabbitList(DeathCount);
554       if (ShowDetail)
555       {
556         Console.WriteLine("  " + DeathCount + " rabbits die of old age.");
557       }
558     }
560     private void MateRabbits(bool ShowDetail)
561     {
562       int Mate = 0;
563       int Babies = 0;
564       double CombinedReproductionRate;
565       for (int r = 0; r < RabbitCount; r++)
566       {
567         if ((Rabbits[r].IsFemale()) && (RabbitCount + Babies < MaxRabbitsInWarren))
568         {
569           do
570           {
571             Mate = Rnd.Next(0, RabbitCount);
572           } while ((Mate == r) || (Rabbits[Mate].IsFemale()));
573           CombinedReproductionRate = (Rabbits[r].GetReproductionRate() + Rabbits[Mate].GetReproductionRate()) / 2;
574           if (CombinedReproductionRate >= 1)
575           {
576             Rabbits[RabbitCount + Babies] = new Rabbit(Variability, CombinedReproductionRate);
577             Babies++;
578           }
579         }
580       }
581       RabbitCount = RabbitCount + Babies;
582       if (ShowDetail)
583       {
584         Console.WriteLine("  " + Babies + " baby rabbits born.");
585       }
586     }
588     private void CompressRabbitList(int DeathCount)
589     {
590       if (DeathCount > 0)
591       {
592         int ShiftTo = 0;
593         int ShiftFrom = 0;
594         while (ShiftTo < RabbitCount - DeathCount)
595         {
596           while (Rabbits[ShiftFrom] == null)
597           {
598             ShiftFrom++;
599           }
600           if (ShiftTo != ShiftFrom)
601           {
602             Rabbits[ShiftTo] = Rabbits[ShiftFrom];
603           }
604           ShiftTo++;
605           ShiftFrom++;
606         }
607         RabbitCount = RabbitCount - DeathCount;
608       }
609     }
611     private bool ContainsMales()
612     {
613       bool Males = false;
614       for (int r = 0; r < RabbitCount; r++)
615       {
616         if (!Rabbits[r].IsFemale())
617         {
618           Males = true;
619         }
620       }
621       return Males;
622     }
624     public void Inspect()
625     {
626       Console.WriteLine("Periods Run " + PeriodsRun + " Size " + RabbitCount);
627     }
629     public void ListRabbits()
630     {
631       if (RabbitCount > 0)
632       {
633         for (int r = 0; r < RabbitCount; r++)
634         {
635           Rabbits[r].Inspect();
636         }
637       }
638     }
639   }
641   class Animal
642   {
643     protected double NaturalLifespan;
644     protected int ID;
645     protected static int NextID = 1;
646     protected int Age = 0;
647     protected double ProbabilityOfDeathOtherCauses;
648     protected bool IsAlive;
649     protected static Random Rnd = new Random();
651     public Animal(int AvgLifespan, double AvgProbabilityOfDeathOtherCauses, int Variability)
652     {
653       NaturalLifespan = AvgLifespan * CalculateRandomValue(100, Variability) / 100;
654       ProbabilityOfDeathOtherCauses = AvgProbabilityOfDeathOtherCauses * CalculateRandomValue(100, Variability) / 100;
655       IsAlive = true;
656       ID = NextID;
657       NextID++;
658     }
660     public virtual void CalculateNewAge()
661     {
662       Age++;
663       if (Age >= NaturalLifespan)
664       {
665         IsAlive = false;
666       }
667     }
669     public virtual bool CheckIfDead()
670     {
671       return !IsAlive;
672     }
674     public virtual void Inspect()
675     {
676       Console.Write("  ID " + ID + " ");
677       Console.Write("Age " + Age + " ");
678       Console.Write("LS " + NaturalLifespan + " ");
679       Console.Write("Pr dth " + Math.Round(ProbabilityOfDeathOtherCauses, 2) + " ");
680     }
682     public virtual bool CheckIfKilledByOtherFactor()
683     {
684       if (Rnd.Next(0, 100) < ProbabilityOfDeathOtherCauses * 100)
685       {
686         IsAlive = false;
687         return true;
688       }
689       else
690       {
691         return false;
692       }
693     }
695     protected virtual double CalculateRandomValue(int BaseValue, int Variability)
696     {
697       return BaseValue - (BaseValue * Variability / 100) + (BaseValue * Rnd.Next(0, (Variability * 2) + 1) / 100);
698     }
699   }
701   class Fox : Animal
702   {
703     private int FoodUnitsNeeded = 10;
704     private int FoodUnitsConsumedThisPeriod = 0;
705     private const int DefaultLifespan = 7;
706     private const double DefaultProbabilityDeathOtherCauses = 0.1;
708     public Fox(int Variability)
709         : base(DefaultLifespan, DefaultProbabilityDeathOtherCauses, Variability)
710     {
711       FoodUnitsNeeded = (int)(10 * base.CalculateRandomValue(100, Variability) / 100);
712     }
714     public void AdvanceGeneration(bool ShowDetail)
715     {
716       if (FoodUnitsConsumedThisPeriod == 0)
717       {
718         IsAlive = false;
719         if (ShowDetail)
720         {
721           Console.WriteLine("  Fox dies as has eaten no food this period.");
722         }
723       }
724       else
725       {
726         if (CheckIfKilledByOtherFactor())
727         {
728           IsAlive = false;
729           if (ShowDetail)
730           {
731             Console.WriteLine("  Fox killed by other factor.");
732           }
733         }
734         else
735         {
736           if (FoodUnitsConsumedThisPeriod < FoodUnitsNeeded)
737           {
738             CalculateNewAge();
739             if (ShowDetail)
740             {
741               Console.WriteLine("  Fox ages further due to lack of food.");
742             }
743           }
744           CalculateNewAge();
745           if (!IsAlive)
746           {
747             if (ShowDetail)
748             {
749               Console.WriteLine("  Fox has died of old age.");
750             }
751           }
752         }
753       }
754     }
756     public void ResetFoodConsumed()
757     {
758       FoodUnitsConsumedThisPeriod = 0;
759     }
761     public bool ReproduceThisPeriod()
762     {
763       const double ReproductionProbability = 0.25;
764       if (Rnd.Next(0, 100) < ReproductionProbability * 100)
765       {
766         return true;
767       }
768       else
769       {
770         return false;
771       }
772     }
774     public void GiveFood(int FoodUnits)
775     {
776       FoodUnitsConsumedThisPeriod = FoodUnitsConsumedThisPeriod + FoodUnits;
777     }
779     public override void Inspect()
780     {
781       base.Inspect();
782       Console.Write("Food needed " + FoodUnitsNeeded + " ");
783       Console.Write("Food eaten " + FoodUnitsConsumedThisPeriod + " ");
784       Console.WriteLine();
785     }
786   }
788   class Rabbit : Animal
789   {
790     enum Genders
791     {
792       Male,
793       Female
794     }
795     private double ReproductionRate;
796     private const double DefaultReproductionRate = 1.2;
797     private const int DefaultLifespan = 4;
798     private const double DefaultProbabilityDeathOtherCauses = 0.05;
799     private Genders Gender;
801     public Rabbit(int Variability)
802         : base(DefaultLifespan, DefaultProbabilityDeathOtherCauses, Variability)
803     {
804       ReproductionRate = DefaultReproductionRate * CalculateRandomValue(100, Variability) / 100;
805       if (Rnd.Next(0, 100) < 50)
806       {
807         Gender = Genders.Male;
808       }
809       else
810       {
811         Gender = Genders.Female;
812       }
813     }
815     public Rabbit(int Variability, double ParentsReproductionRate)
816         : base(DefaultLifespan, DefaultProbabilityDeathOtherCauses, Variability)
817     {
818       ReproductionRate = ParentsReproductionRate * CalculateRandomValue(100, Variability) / 100;
819       if (Rnd.Next(0, 100) < 50)
820       {
821         Gender = Genders.Male;
822       }
823       else
824       {
825         Gender = Genders.Female;
826       }
827     }
829     public override void Inspect()
830     {
831       base.Inspect();
832       Console.Write("Rep rate " + Math.Round(ReproductionRate, 1) + " ");
833       Console.WriteLine("Gender " + Gender + " ");
834     }
836     public bool IsFemale()
837     {
838       if (Gender == Genders.Female)
839       {
840         return true;
841       }
842       else
843       {
844         return false;
845       }
846     }
848     public double GetReproductionRate()
849     {
850       return ReproductionRate;
851     }
852   }
853 }