AS 2019 TakePiece

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I have completed this improvement, and there are many sections to make this work.I think it is unlikely to be asked to do this, but you need to:

  • Add to the MoveRecord Struct (CanTake boolean, TakeRow & TakeColumn)
  • Add to ClearList (ie new from the struct)
  • Duplicate ValidJump and create ValidTake
  • Add loads to ListPossibleMoves
  • Changes to MakeMove

Remember the game is over if you can no longer make a move, taking pieces should work okay but it could require you to change the winner logic. Really it should be the person with the most pieces wins.

Changes to Struct

Find the current MoveRecord struct:

        struct MoveRecord
            public string Piece;
            public int NewRow;
            public int NewColumn;
            public bool CanJump;

Add the following variable to get:

        struct MoveRecord
            public string Piece;
            public int NewRow;
            public int NewColumn;
            public bool CanJump;
            public bool CanTake;

Change ClearList

Add the new struct fields to ClearList:

        private static void ClearList(MoveRecord[] listOfMoves)
            for (int index = 0; index < MaxMoves; index++)
                listOfMoves[index].Piece = "";
                listOfMoves[index].NewRow = -1;
                listOfMoves[index].NewColumn = -1;
                listOfMoves[index].CanJump = false;
                listOfMoves[index].CanTake = false;
                listOfMoves[index].TakeRow = -1;
                listOfMoves[index].TakeColumn = -1;


Create the following method by duplicating valid jump, then change to this:

        private static bool ValidTake(string[,] board, int[,] playersPieces, string piece, int newRow, int newColumn)
            bool valid = false;
            string middlePiece = "";
            string player, oppositePiecePlayer, middlePiecePlayer;
            int index, currentRow, currentColumn, middlePieceRow, middlePieceColumn;
            player = piece[0].ToString().ToLower();
            index = Convert.ToInt32(piece.Substring(1));
            if (player == "a")
                oppositePiecePlayer = "b";
                oppositePiecePlayer = "a";
            if (newRow >= 0 && newRow < BoardSize &&
                newColumn >= 0 && newColumn < BoardSize)
                if (board[newRow, newColumn] == Space)
                    currentRow = playersPieces[index, Row];
                    currentColumn = playersPieces[index, Column];
                    middlePieceRow = (currentRow + newRow) / 2;
                    middlePieceColumn = (currentColumn + newColumn) / 2;
                    middlePiece = board[middlePieceRow, middlePieceColumn];
                    middlePiecePlayer = middlePiece[0].ToString().ToLower();
                    if (middlePiecePlayer == oppositePiecePlayer && middlePiecePlayer != " ") //change this
                        valid = true;
            return valid;


The for loop cycles through each piece, you will see inside this loop are several if statements. The last 2 check if any valid jumps are possible. So find this code:

                    if (ValidJump(board, playersPieces, piece, jumpRow, jumpLeftColumn))
                        Console.WriteLine(piece + " can jump to " + jumpRow + " , " + jumpLeftColumn);
                        listOfMoves[numberOfMoves].Piece = piece;
                        listOfMoves[numberOfMoves].NewRow = jumpRow;
                        listOfMoves[numberOfMoves].NewColumn = jumpLeftColumn;
                        listOfMoves[numberOfMoves].CanJump = true;
                    if (ValidJump(board, playersPieces, piece, jumpRow, jumpRightColumn))
                        Console.WriteLine(piece + " can jump to " + jumpRow + " , " + jumpRightColumn);
                        listOfMoves[numberOfMoves].Piece = piece;
                        listOfMoves[numberOfMoves].NewRow = jumpRow;
                        listOfMoves[numberOfMoves].NewColumn = jumpRightColumn;
                        listOfMoves[numberOfMoves].CanJump = true;

Copy these two if statements and paste directly underneath, and change ValidJump to ValidTake:

                    if (ValidTake(board, playersPieces, piece, jumpRow, jumpLeftColumn))
                        Console.WriteLine(piece + " can take piece and go to " + jumpRow + " , " + jumpLeftColumn);
                        listOfMoves[numberOfMoves].Piece = piece;
                        listOfMoves[numberOfMoves].NewRow = jumpRow;
                        listOfMoves[numberOfMoves].NewColumn = jumpLeftColumn;
                        listOfMoves[numberOfMoves].CanJump = true;
                        listOfMoves[numberOfMoves].CanTake = true;
                        listOfMoves[numberOfMoves].TakeRow = currentRow + direction;
                        listOfMoves[numberOfMoves].TakeColumn = jumpLeftColumn + 1;

                    if (ValidTake(board, playersPieces, piece, jumpRow, jumpRightColumn))
                        Console.WriteLine(piece + " can take piece and go to " + jumpRow + " , " + jumpRightColumn);
                        listOfMoves[numberOfMoves].Piece = piece;
                        listOfMoves[numberOfMoves].NewRow = jumpRow;
                        listOfMoves[numberOfMoves].NewColumn = jumpRightColumn;
                        listOfMoves[numberOfMoves].CanJump = true;
                        listOfMoves[numberOfMoves].CanTake = true;
                        listOfMoves[numberOfMoves].TakeRow = currentRow + direction;
                        listOfMoves[numberOfMoves].TakeColumn = jumpRightColumn - 1;

The code above will also set the CanTake, TakeRow, and TakeColumn if a take is possible.

Finally, we need to not list any moves for a taken piece. So again in ListPossibleMoves, the if statements to check ValidMove, ValidJump, and Valid take can be wrapped in an if statement to check if the Row & Column are set to -1:

        if (currentRow != -1 && currentColumn!=-1)
                piece = nextPlayer + i;
                currentRow = playersPieces[i, Row];
                currentColumn = playersPieces[i, Column];
                if (playersPieces[i, Dame] == 1)
                    piece = piece.ToUpper();
                newRow = currentRow + direction;
                leftColumn = currentColumn - 1;
                rightColumn = currentColumn + 1;
                if (currentRow != -1 && currentColumn!=-1)
                    if (ValidMove(board, newRow, leftColumn))
                        Console.WriteLine(piece + " can move to " + newRow + " , " + leftColumn);
                        listOfMoves[numberOfMoves].Piece = piece;
                        listOfMoves[numberOfMoves].NewRow = newRow;
                        listOfMoves[numberOfMoves].NewColumn = leftColumn;
                        listOfMoves[numberOfMoves].CanJump = false;
                    if (ValidMove(board, newRow, rightColumn))
                        Console.WriteLine(piece + " can move to " + newRow + " , " + rightColumn);
                        listOfMoves[numberOfMoves].Piece = piece;
                        listOfMoves[numberOfMoves].NewRow = newRow;
                        listOfMoves[numberOfMoves].NewColumn = rightColumn;
                        listOfMoves[numberOfMoves].CanJump = false;
                    jumpRow = currentRow + direction + direction;
                    jumpLeftColumn = currentColumn - 2;
                    jumpRightColumn = currentColumn + 2;
                    if (ValidJump(board, playersPieces, piece, jumpRow, jumpLeftColumn))
                        Console.WriteLine(piece + " can jump to " + jumpRow + " , " + jumpLeftColumn);
                        listOfMoves[numberOfMoves].Piece = piece;
                        listOfMoves[numberOfMoves].NewRow = jumpRow;
                        listOfMoves[numberOfMoves].NewColumn = jumpLeftColumn;
                        listOfMoves[numberOfMoves].CanJump = true;
                    if (ValidJump(board, playersPieces, piece, jumpRow, jumpRightColumn))
                        Console.WriteLine(piece + " can jump to " + jumpRow + " , " + jumpRightColumn);
                        listOfMoves[numberOfMoves].Piece = piece;
                        listOfMoves[numberOfMoves].NewRow = jumpRow;
                        listOfMoves[numberOfMoves].NewColumn = jumpRightColumn;
                        listOfMoves[numberOfMoves].CanJump = true;
                    if (ValidTake(board, playersPieces, piece, jumpRow, jumpLeftColumn))
                        Console.WriteLine(piece + " can take piece and go to " + jumpRow + " , " + jumpLeftColumn);
                        listOfMoves[numberOfMoves].Piece = piece;
                        listOfMoves[numberOfMoves].NewRow = jumpRow;
                        listOfMoves[numberOfMoves].NewColumn = jumpLeftColumn;
                        listOfMoves[numberOfMoves].CanJump = true;
                        listOfMoves[numberOfMoves].CanTake = true;
                        listOfMoves[numberOfMoves].TakeRow = currentRow + direction;
                        listOfMoves[numberOfMoves].TakeColumn = jumpLeftColumn + 1;

                    if (ValidTake(board, playersPieces, piece, jumpRow, jumpRightColumn))
                        Console.WriteLine(piece + " can take piece and go to " + jumpRow + " , " + jumpRightColumn);
                        listOfMoves[numberOfMoves].Piece = piece;
                        listOfMoves[numberOfMoves].NewRow = jumpRow;
                        listOfMoves[numberOfMoves].NewColumn = jumpRightColumn;
                        listOfMoves[numberOfMoves].CanJump = true;
                        listOfMoves[numberOfMoves].CanTake = true;
                        listOfMoves[numberOfMoves].TakeRow = currentRow + direction;
                        listOfMoves[numberOfMoves].TakeColumn = jumpRightColumn - 1;

Make Move

Change the if statement:

                if (jumping)
                    middlePieceRow = (currentRow + newRow) / 2;
                    middlePieceColumn = (currentColumn + newColumn) / 2;
                    middlePiece = board[middlePieceRow, middlePieceColumn];
                    Console.WriteLine("jumped over " + middlePiece);

to this:

                if (taking)
                    middlePieceRow = (currentRow + newRow) / 2;
                    middlePieceColumn = (currentColumn + newColumn) / 2;
                    middlePiece = board[middlePieceRow, middlePieceColumn];
                    board[middlePieceRow, middlePieceColumn]=" ";
                    opponentsPieces[Convert.ToInt32(middlePiece.Substring(1)), Row] = -1;
                    opponentsPieces[Convert.ToInt32(middlePiece.Substring(1)), Column] = -1;
                    Console.WriteLine("Taken " + middlePiece);
                else if (jumping)
                    middlePieceRow = (currentRow + newRow) / 2;
                    middlePieceColumn = (currentColumn + newColumn) / 2;
                    middlePiece = board[middlePieceRow, middlePieceColumn];
                    Console.WriteLine("jumped over " + middlePiece);