Difference between revisions of "2021 - Hexgrid"

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This is the containing class for tiles and pieces.
This is the containing class for tiles and pieces.
Used to generate and setup the grid.
Used to draw the grid to the console.
Used to execute the different commands, each has its own method.

Latest revision as of 10:52, 3 September 2020

Actual Code

class HexGrid
        protected List<Tile> tiles = new List<Tile>();
        protected List<Piece> pieces = new List<Piece>();
        int size;
        bool player1Turn;

        public HexGrid(int n)
            size = n;
            player1Turn = true;

        public void SetUpGridTerrain(List<string> listOfTerrain)
            for (int count = 0; count < listOfTerrain.Count; count++)

        public void AddPiece(bool belongsToPlayer1, string typeOfPiece, int location)
            Piece newPiece;
            if (typeOfPiece == "Baron")
                newPiece = new BaronPiece(belongsToPlayer1);
            else if (typeOfPiece == "LESS")
                newPiece = new LESSPiece(belongsToPlayer1);
            else if (typeOfPiece == "PBDS")
                newPiece = new PBDSPiece(belongsToPlayer1);
                newPiece = new Piece(belongsToPlayer1);

        public string ExecuteCommand(List<string> items, ref int fuelChange, ref int lumberChange,
                                     ref int supplyChange, int fuelAvailable, int lumberAvailable,
                                     int piecesInSupply)
            switch (items[0])
                case "move":
                        int fuelCost = ExecuteMoveCommand(items, fuelAvailable);
                        if (fuelCost < 0)
                            return "That move can't be done";
                        fuelChange = -fuelCost;
                case "saw":
                case "dig":
                        if (!ExecuteCommandInTile(items, ref fuelChange, ref lumberChange))
                            return "Couldn't do that";
                case "spawn":
                        int lumberCost = ExecuteSpawnCommand(items, lumberAvailable, piecesInSupply);
                        if (lumberCost < 0)
                            return "Spawning did not occur";
                        lumberChange = -lumberCost;
                        supplyChange = 1;
                case "upgrade":
                        int lumberCost = ExecuteUpgradeCommand(items, lumberAvailable);
                        if (lumberCost < 0)
                            return "Upgrade not possible";
                        lumberChange = -lumberCost;
            return "Command executed";

        private bool CheckTileIndexIsValid(int tileToCheck)
            return tileToCheck >= 0 && tileToCheck < tiles.Count;

        private bool CheckPieceAndTileAreValid(int tileToUse)
            if (CheckTileIndexIsValid(tileToUse))
                Piece thePiece = tiles[tileToUse].GetPieceInTile();
                if (thePiece != null)
                    if (thePiece.GetBelongsToPlayer1() == player1Turn)
                        return true;
            return false;

        private bool ExecuteCommandInTile(List<string> items, ref int fuel, ref int lumber)
            int tileToUse = Convert.ToInt32(items[1]);
            if (CheckPieceAndTileAreValid(tileToUse) == false)
                return false;
            Piece thePiece = tiles[tileToUse].GetPieceInTile();
            items[0] = items[0][0].ToString().ToUpper() + items[0].Substring(1);
            if (thePiece.HasMethod(items[0]))
                string methodToCall = items[0];
                Type t = thePiece.GetType();
                System.Reflection.MethodInfo method = t.GetMethod(methodToCall);
                object[] parameters = { tiles[tileToUse].GetTerrain() };
                if (items[0] == "Saw")
                    lumber += Convert.ToInt32(method.Invoke(thePiece, parameters));
                else if (items[0] == "Dig")
                    fuel += Convert.ToInt32(method.Invoke(thePiece, parameters));
                    if (Math.Abs(fuel) > 2)
                        tiles[tileToUse].SetTerrain(" ");
                return true;
            return false;

        private int ExecuteMoveCommand(List<string> items, int fuelAvailable)
            int startID = Convert.ToInt32(items[1]);
            int endID = Convert.ToInt32(items[2]);
            if (!CheckPieceAndTileAreValid(startID) || !CheckTileIndexIsValid(endID))
                return -1;
            Piece thePiece = tiles[startID].GetPieceInTile();
            if (tiles[endID].GetPieceInTile() != null)
                return -1;
            int distance = tiles[startID].GetDistanceToTileT(tiles[endID]);
            int fuelCost = thePiece.CheckMoveIsValid(distance, tiles[startID].GetTerrain(), tiles[endID].GetTerrain());
            if (fuelCost == -1 || fuelAvailable < fuelCost)
                return -1;
            MovePiece(endID, startID);
            return fuelCost;

        private int ExecuteSpawnCommand(List<string> items, int lumberAvailable, int piecesInSupply)
            int tileToUse = Convert.ToInt32(items[1]);
            if (piecesInSupply < 1 || lumberAvailable < 3 || !CheckTileIndexIsValid(tileToUse))
                return -1;
            Piece ThePiece = tiles[tileToUse].GetPieceInTile();
            if (ThePiece != null)
                return -1;
            bool ownBaronIsNeighbour = false;
            List<Tile> listOfNeighbours = new List<Tile>(tiles[tileToUse].GetNeighbours());
            foreach (var n in listOfNeighbours)
                ThePiece = n.GetPieceInTile();
                if (ThePiece != null)
                    if (player1Turn && ThePiece.GetPieceType() == "B" || !player1Turn && ThePiece.GetPieceType() == "b")
                        ownBaronIsNeighbour = true;
            if (!ownBaronIsNeighbour)
                return -1;
            Piece newPiece = new Piece(player1Turn);
            return 3;

        private int ExecuteUpgradeCommand(List<string> items, int lumberAvailable)
            int tileToUse = Convert.ToInt32(items[2]);
            if (!CheckPieceAndTileAreValid(tileToUse) || lumberAvailable < 5 || !(items[1] == "pbds" || items[1] == "less"))
                return -1;
                Piece thePiece = tiles[tileToUse].GetPieceInTile();
                if (thePiece.GetPieceType().ToUpper() != "S")
                    return -1;
                if (items[1] == "pbds")
                    thePiece = new PBDSPiece(player1Turn);
                    thePiece = new LESSPiece(player1Turn);
                return 5;

        private void SetUpTiles()
            int evenStartY = 0;
            int evenStartZ = 0;
            int oddStartZ = 0;
            int oddStartY = -1;
            int x, y, z;
            for (int count = 1; count <= size / 2; count++)
                y = evenStartY;
                z = evenStartZ;
                for (x = 0; x <= size - 2; x += 2)
                    Tile tempTile = new Tile(x, y, z);
                    y -= 1;
                    z -= 1;
                evenStartZ += 1;
                evenStartY -= 1;
                y = oddStartY;
                z = oddStartZ;
                for (x = 1; x <= size - 1; x += 2)
                    Tile tempTile = new Tile(x, y, z);
                    y -= 1;
                    z -= 1;
                oddStartZ += 1;
                oddStartY -= 1;

        private void SetUpNeighbours()
            foreach (var fromTile in tiles)
                foreach (var toTile in tiles)
                    if (fromTile.GetDistanceToTileT(toTile) == 1)

        public bool DestroyPiecesAndCountVPs(ref int player1VPs, ref int player2VPs)
            bool baronDestroyed = false;
            List<Tile> listOfTilesContainingDestroyedPieces = new List<Tile>();
            foreach (var t in tiles)
                if (t.GetPieceInTile() != null)
                    List<Tile> listOfNeighbours = new List<Tile>(t.GetNeighbours());
                    int noOfConnections = 0;
                    foreach (var n in listOfNeighbours)
                        if (n.GetPieceInTile() != null)
                            noOfConnections += 1;
                    Piece thePiece = t.GetPieceInTile();
                    if (noOfConnections >= thePiece.GetConnectionsNeededToDestroy())
                        if (thePiece.GetPieceType().ToUpper() == "B")
                            baronDestroyed = true;
                        if (thePiece.GetBelongsToPlayer1())
                            player2VPs += thePiece.GetVPs();
                            player1VPs += thePiece.GetVPs();
            foreach (var t in listOfTilesContainingDestroyedPieces)
            return baronDestroyed;

        public string GetGridAsString(bool p1Turn)
            int listPositionOfTile = 0;
            player1Turn = p1Turn;
            string gridAsString = CreateTopLine() + CreateEvenLine(true, ref listPositionOfTile);
            listPositionOfTile += 1;
            gridAsString += CreateOddLine(ref listPositionOfTile);
            for (var count = 1; count <= size - 2; count += 2)
                listPositionOfTile += 1;
                gridAsString += CreateEvenLine(false, ref listPositionOfTile);
                listPositionOfTile += 1;
                gridAsString += CreateOddLine(ref listPositionOfTile);
            return gridAsString + CreateBottomLine();

        private void MovePiece(int newIndex, int oldIndex)

        public string GetPieceTypeInTile(int ID)
            Piece thePiece = tiles[ID].GetPieceInTile();
            if (thePiece == null)
                return " ";
                return thePiece.GetPieceType();

        private string CreateBottomLine()
            string line = "   ";
            for (var count = 1; count <= size / 2; count++)
                line += @" \__/ ";
            return line + Environment.NewLine;

        private string CreateTopLine()
            string line = Environment.NewLine + "  ";
            for (var count = 1; count <= size / 2; count++)
                line += "__    ";
            return line + Environment.NewLine;

        private string CreateOddLine(ref int listPositionOfTile)
            string line = "";
            for (var count = 1; count <= size / 2; count++)
                if (count > 1 & count < size / 2)
                    line += GetPieceTypeInTile(listPositionOfTile) + @"\__/";
                    listPositionOfTile += 1;
                    line += tiles[listPositionOfTile].GetTerrain();
                else if (count == 1)
                    line += @" \__/" + tiles[listPositionOfTile].GetTerrain();
            line += GetPieceTypeInTile(listPositionOfTile) + @"\__/";
            listPositionOfTile += 1;
            if (listPositionOfTile < tiles.Count())
                line += tiles[listPositionOfTile].GetTerrain() + GetPieceTypeInTile(listPositionOfTile) + @"\" + Environment.NewLine;
                line += @"\" + Environment.NewLine;
            return line;

        private string CreateEvenLine(bool firstEvenLine, ref int listPositionOfTile)
            string line = " /" + tiles[listPositionOfTile].GetTerrain();
            for (var count = 1; count <= size / 2 - 1; count++)
                line += GetPieceTypeInTile(listPositionOfTile);
                listPositionOfTile += 1;
                line += @"\__/" + tiles[listPositionOfTile].GetTerrain();
            if (firstEvenLine)
                line += GetPieceTypeInTile(listPositionOfTile) + @"\__" + Environment.NewLine;
                line += GetPieceTypeInTile(listPositionOfTile) + @"\__/" + Environment.NewLine;
            return line;

Things to note

This is the containing class for tiles and pieces.

Used to generate and setup the grid.

Used to draw the grid to the console.

Used to execute the different commands, each has its own method.
