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Revision as of 14:40, 14 November 2017 by Lewis Appleyard (talk | contribs)
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        private static void DisplayTileValues(Dictionary<char, int> TileDictionary, List<string> AllowedWords)
            Console.WriteLine("TILE VALUES");
            foreach (var Tile in TileDictionary)
                Console.WriteLine("Points for " + Tile.Key + ": " + Tile.Value);

This code displays the point value associated with each tile in the tile dictionary to a user, in the following format:

Points for A: 1
Points for B: 3

This is quite the simple method, but I'll explain it nonetheless. The method loops through each KeyValuePair in the TileDictionary; A Dictionary which if u recall stores the character point associations of the program. Note when iterating through a dictionary u don't iterate through the value or the keys but u instead recieve an association between the two in a datatype struct KeyValuePair<TKey, TValue>. To access the key from this struct u simple use object notation and the identifier Key and for the value u use the same and identifier Value. Once the iteration has begon, the program outputs the character (the key) and it's corresponding point score (the value).