Bonus points at end of game for longest and highest scored words

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Create four local variables in the main game class.

private static int highestScoredWord = 0;
private static string highestScoredWordByPlayer = String.Empty;

private static int longestScoredWord = 0;
private static string longestScoredWordByPlayer = String.Empty;

Then in the Have Turn method, after the player has entered a valid choice

private static void HaveTurn(string PlayerName, ref string PlayerTiles, ref int PlayerTilesPlayed, ref int PlayerScore, Dictionary<char, int> TileDictionary, ref QueueOfTiles TileQueue, List<string> AllowedWords, int MaxHandSize, int NoOfEndOfTurnTiles) {
    // Some Stuff Was Here

    if (ValidWord) {
        if (Choice.Length > longestScoredWord) {
            longestScoredWord = Choice.Length;
            longestScoredWordByPlayer = PlayerName;

        if (GetScoreForWord(Choice, TileDictionary) > highestScoredWord) {
            highestScoredWord = GetScoreForWord(Choice, TileDictionary);
            highestScoredWordByPlayer = PlayerName;

        // Some stuff is here