If the player spells a ten or more letter word, they should receive a 200 point bonus

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Find the GetScoreForWord method. The for loop will calculate the score for the word played, the if statement adds any bonus points.

private static int GetScoreForWord(string Word, Dictionary<char, int> TileDictionary) {
    int Score = 0;
    for (int Count = 0; Count < Word.Length; Count++) {
        Score = Score + TileDictionary[Word[Count]];

    if (Word.Length > 7) {
        Score = Score + 20;
    } else if (Word.Length > 5) {
        Score = Score + 5;
    return Score;

Change the if statement by adding a new condition, and change the current >7 condition to an else if instead. See below:

if (Word.Length > 10) 
  score = score + 200;
else if (Word.Length > 7)
  Score = Score + 20;
else if (Word.Length > 5)
  Score = Score + 5;