High score table feature

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At the end of the game, take the high score and check the current table of high scores to see if it can go on the table. Then, add in the result and move or remove any other high scores lower in the table or that have fallen off the table. This text file could save every score played from the game, but I'll do top ten to add the removing feature. The scores the need a way to be displayed.

(needs the addition of a way to display the highscore table.)

 1 static void HSUpdate()
 2 {
 3     StreamReader UpdateHSTable = new StreamReader("highscores.txt");
 4     string[] HSTable = System.IO.File.ReadAllLines("highscores.txt");
 5     string[] TempTable;
 6     int TempInt = 0;
 7     for (int a = 0; a < 10; a++;)
 8     {
 9         if (PlayerOneScore >= Convert.ToInt32(HSTable[a]))
10         {
11         TempTable[TempInt] = HSTable[a];
12         TempInt++;
13         HSTable[a] = PlayerOneScore;
14         }
15         if (PlayerTwoScore >= Convert.ToInt32(HSTable[a]))
16         {
17         TempTable[TempInt] = HSTable[a];
18         TempInt++;
19         HSTable[a] = PlayerTwoScore;
20         }
21         if (TempTable[TempInt] >= HSTable[a+1])
22         {
23         TempTable[TempInt+1] = HSTable[a+1];
24         HSTable[a+1] = TempTable[TempInt];
25         TempTable[TempInt] = TempTable[TempInt+1];
26         TempTable[TempInt+1] = "";
27         }
28     }
29 }